About Us

The Shutesbury Athletic Club is a non-profit group which promotes social and recreational opportunities for its members.  The club is open seven days a week, has a full liquor license and hosts a range of community events.  The 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month is Taco Tuesday. Every Thursday (5 - 8 pm) and Friday (6 - 8 pm) night the club hosts a family friendly members dinner.  It is a sliding scale of $10 -$15 per person. These dinners are occasionally are used as benefit dinners for various local organizations.  There is live music most Friday nights.

The Club sponsors a pair of billiards team and serves as home base for the Porcupine Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club. 

Membership is open to all and new members are always welcome.  Stop by, call the Club for more information or visit the Membership page on this website.

Our function room, and the outdoor pavilion, are available for member's private events.  The fees are very reasonable.  Contact (shutesburyac@gmail.com) for more info.

The Shutesbury Athletic Club  hours are:

Sunday  12 pm - 6 pm         

Monday  5 pm - 12 am

Tuesday 5 pm - 12 am

Wednesday 5 pm - 12 am

Thursday 5 pm - 12 am

Friday  4 pm - 1 am 

Saturday 5 pm - 1 am

 The club is run by a board of directors, listed below:


President - The President of the Club shall preside, when present, at all meetings of the members and of the Directors.

President:          Mark Olszweski

Vice President:  Jason Boron

Treasurer:          Laurie Doubleday

Secretary:          Jennifer Donnelly


The President shall be charged with the general care and management of all property and business of the Club in all its departments, and of its officers, employees, agents, etc., except so far as his duties may be specifically prescribed by the by-laws or by the Directors.

Vice President - The Vice President shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President, and during any prolonged absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform such duties as the Board of Directors may, by vote so authorize the President to perform.

Treasurer - The Treasurer shall have the custody of the funds of the Club. The Treasurer shall deposit receipts to and make disbursements from the Club's account(s) under the general direction of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall have full authority to make, sign, and endorse checks of the Corporation. All other instruments, commercial papers, contracts, and other legal documents in the course of the business shall be signed by the Treasurer and counter-signed by the President. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Board of Directors shall designate the officer who shall sign in the Treasurers absence. The Treasurer shall, if required by the Board of Directors, give bond, to the Corporation for the faithful performance of their duties.

Secretary - The Secretary shall be sworn to the faithful performance of his/her duties before entering upon the performance thereof, shall attend all meetings of the members and Directors, and shall keep a record of votes of all business transacted at such meetings. The Secretary shall give notice of the annual meeting of the members, and, at the request of the President or a majority of the Directors, of meetings of the Board of Directors.